I don't know why I even bother to actually start an online diary/blog and update it regularly. I guess you could say that it was due to peer pressure. So many people having an online diary. Plus, i'm often bored when i'm online. But what's the purpose of me keeping a diary? A diary is supposed to be a reflection, your thoughts on anything. But I feel for my case, I'm just writing down events, not reflections, stating down all the facts and figures. Most people are able to talk about their deepest inner feelings. But I am unable to, or at least, I don't want to. Perhaps there's this part of me that don't want people to know everything about me. I'm just letting them see my outer self, but i'm hiding my inner self from them. Whenever I write a diary, I will leave out those parts that I feel are most personal. I don't write my thoughts, I write my edited thoughts. And it just doesn't feel right. Which brings me back to the question, what's a diary for?