Haha..my Internet phone line has been spoilt since the weekend, only got repaired just now. I really do my appreciate the broadband stuff in s'pore. Haha. Whatever. Really miss going online and talking to pple, I'm totally so hooked on computers! Yeah..anyway, I guess you really feel like going online after all the mugging and stuff. Hate mugging. Why must they have the exams right after the holidays? Bleah..it's just equal to having school without going to school at all, for me at least. Gotta stay home and mug. Yeah rite. Like I ever will. My concentration span is getting shorter and shorter, and before I know it, I'll be watching TV instead of studying physics. Bleah. Whatever. Haha. The only time I go out of the house is to play tennis or going out to have dinner, or going to church. Other than that, I stay at home. So boring. All cos of stupid Block Test. Whatever. Anyway, this morning has been quite a lousy one for me. I woke up quite early in the morning at 7, then decided to watch the tv, before taking shower and having breakfast. After that, I was supposed to go and mug till lunch. But unpredictably, I had a stomachache, which just didn't want to go away. So I ended up sleeping the whole morning. So stupid. Now I've so much stuff to do.
Haha..sigh. I'm wondering, how did the class chalet go? I hoped they all had fun. Looking at all the posts in the class blog, I think all of us are getting stressed up. C'mon..even relating full moon to the marks they'll get at Block Test? Haha.
Anyway..family gathering in Batu was very fun. Hmm..I always thought that ours was a large family, because my mum has like 5 brothers and 1 older sis, and yeah..I have lots of cousins. But then, when I actually started counting, it only came up to about 30+ in total for my mum's side. Quite few actually. Haha. Anyway, I had to meet up my cousins and uncle to fly there. It's quite fun catching up with all your relatives you know. Especially since I'm quite close to those cousins. Haha. Anyway, when we reached the place it was already dinner time. The others had arrived there earlier. So yeah..after that, we had dinner, and they celebrated my birthday =), which was really nice. They all bought me a birthday cake, complete with the candle, but i don't know, the cake wasn't really a cake, it's more like ice-cream cake. Haha. But it was really delicious =). Ah...just like old times, when my parents used to buy birthday cake for me when I was small. Haha. Yeah..I went back to Jakarta on Sunday, and my uncle, really, tried to convince me again, on the way to the airport, to go overseas instead of continuing with the A levels here, which he really thinks is useless anyway since I'll probably be going to the States for uni. Haha. I do not know. Right now, it's like 50-50 between staying and going. But I only have like a few more weeks more to decide. Sigh.
I guess gotta go mug now =(