Haha..at home early, as usual nowadays. Seems like not much is happening at school recently. Not that I mind lah. Quite tired and still have a lot of work to do. School is totally driving me nuts with its sheer pace and work magnitude. Can't believe it's almost the end of another week now. Fridays come so fast. Always used to love Fridays, but now, I always almost feel drained on Fridays. I guess you know it's the end of the school week, and you just want it to end. All the stress is built up to Fridays, before one can finally relax. It's amazing now how I feel drained on fridays. Sigh. And the work load. Ah..don't want to think of that.
Anyway...only school school school with its share of problems is on my mind. Friends make up a huge part in one's school life. I can't imagine school life without friends. You'll be like so alone, and isolated I guess. But, just as everything else is so not simple, with friendships, come companionship, and also problems. It's really intriguing sometimes. Oh how I wish friendships wouldn't be so complicated sometimes. Sigh. But in the world today, is everything else so simple? Why can I not just lead a simple and happy life, without all those constant pressures and expectations?