Had this splitting headache since Friday night. Maybe cos I used too much com in the evening. But really..after using com, I suddenly had this headache..felt like my head was spinning around...tried to sleep for half an hour..still the pain didn't go away..and it didn't too after i took shower. Couldn't eat dinner because..really..I felt very giddy..and basically, I couldn't swallow the food, kept on chewing it. Felt like puking the food out. Seriously. Anyway, practically gave up eating after eating veggy only..then decided to sleep w/o really having dinner. Woke up to catch the Amazing Race (will not miss it for anything), luckily I felt better after sleeping. I ate toast while being entertained for one whole hour. Once again, a TV programme has managed to brighten me up! Haha.
Anyway..I thought I was better when I woke up on Saturday, but obviously, I was proven wrong. Tried to do work after breakfast, but couldn't, ended up trying to sleep again. Was supposed to have an early lunch, but once again, didn't manage to eat my lunch. Was supposed to go to school at 12.30pm to do CIP, but ended up going from home at 12.15 and only made it as far as the bus-stop, before calling ai lian to say i wasn't going to come. After that, ended up sleeping for a whole 2 hours till 2.30pm. Once again, felt better after sleeping before having lunch. After lunch, managed to do a little bit of work before once again, succumbed to the dreaded headache. Till dinner, the headache hasn't gone yet. Took quite a lot of medicine, but really..the headache is a stubborn thing. Forced myself to have dinner. So in the end, since I couldn't really do anything much..slept all the way till 12pm, before my brother woke me up. Anyway, slept from 1 pm onwards.
Woke up at 7.30 this morning, thinking that I might go to church. The headache was gone for the moment, but in the end, decided not to risk my health, so stayed at home. Anyway, it wasn't long before the headache came back again..and it stayed there till afternoon. Tried to sleep, to no avail. In the end, drank sweet tea...and decided to do work anyway..and the headache slowly went away..till now it hasn't come back. Yeah! Haha...
So that was basically how I spent the whole weekend.