Sunday, October 31, 2004
Reading Football Funnies on MU website makes me laugh. The quotes are just so lame! And yes I'm feeling better after last night. Anyway I was super late for church today cos I couldn't wake up. I don't know what I was doing last night, wasting my precious sleeping time away. I promised myself that I would go to sleep once I finished blogging, but instead I got carried away reading the Singapore Idol forum. Well I can't afford to waste time now. I've wasted the entire day away. Tried to study but failed miserably. Must be focused. Must be motivated. Must be disciplined.
Anyway, talking about church, my brother and I couldn't get seats just now because we were so late. The place was surprisingly packed. And sunday school class.. there are more and more people coming each week. Today, there were like about 20+ people. Went to register for church camp just now. Hopefully it'll be fun.
I promised myself not to watch OC anymore because I still've lots of episodes I haven't watched and with new ones coming, don't think I'll be able to watch them all. But guess what.. I'm also starting to watch Top Model. This is bad.
And now back to studying...
posted by vivien at 7:37 AM