I discovered yesterday that I've put on 2kg over the past week. That's really a lot! So now, I weigh over 50kg. Great...
Anyway, yesterday (new year) was basically spent on going to church, gym (having muscle aches again) and packing. Sigh, so it's goodbye Jakarta again, after only 3 weeks. Just before I left, I practically made a tour round my house and took a good look at a lot of the stuff there, trying to remember them as long as I possibly can. Sounds silly I know haha. Just in case I won't be going back home anytime soon. But it seems that I'll be going back again for Chinese New Year, so I guess it's not such a long time after all.
My mum asked me whether "home sweet home" for me refers to Jakarta or Singapore. I'm not really sure. I spend most of my time in Singapore, but I really miss home. I'd say it refers to both.