Anyway, had dinner last night at Marche with Ivana, Anna, Zaneta, Saby and Stella. Ivana just came back from Melbourne+Shanghai, so we thought we'd meet up with her and celebrate her birthday at the same time. I haven't seen her in like 6 months, but I think she still looks the same. Saby looks the most different, almost couldn't recognize her! Even though the turnout was pretty bad (it was supposed to be a class dinner after all), I had so much fun and I really enjoyed myself. It was really nice to catch up with them and talk about almost everything, from future plans to church/Christianity. We laughed a lot of times too, mostly at Zaneta and her quirky smiles/antics/gestures hahaha. Same old Zaneta I guess. She's still the slowest eater among all of us. When we were in MG, I think Zaneta and I were like the slowest eaters and we'd always see who ate slower haha. We took pictures also, and they turned out great! We had chocolate cake cos we were supposed to celebrate Ivana's birthday, with a candle. So we sang the birthday song, once in English and once in Chinese (Stella's idea cos Ivana just came back from China). The waffle we ate with banana and chocolate ice-cream was just so delicious! Ivana treated us for the dinner. We didn't want her to pay for the whole dinner because it would be quite expensive, but she said it's an Indonesian tradition that the birthday person treats others. I didn't know there's such a tradition haha.
After dinner, we went to take neo-prints. The machines were all in Japanese and none of us understood Japanese, so we didn't really know what to do. Had a hilarious time trying to take the neo-prints and decorate them. Didn't help that we were rushing cos the time was so short haha. Afterwards, we went to take more pictures in front of the graffiti thing. By then, it was already like 1030 so we all went home, except for Ivana, who went to meet her friends.
To Ivana: Happy Birthday and take care! Don't know when I can see you again.