It's getting colder here. And it's only the beginning of fall! Today, the forecast says it's going to be about mid-50s farenheit throughout, which is like mid-10s celcius. So cold! And my hand is getting got so dry one day that it bled. Eww! Better do something about it. I'm definitely not looking forward to winter, even though we can play with snow. The weather is so unpredictable here. I find it quite amusing that every morning, I've to check the weather forecast for e entire day to decide what I'm gonna wear haha. Cos sometimes, it's really cold in the morning, but it gets hot in e afternoon.
Tomorrow, we're having Singapore Food Festival in school. I'm actually looking forward to it cos I can finally eat Singapore food again! Haha. Last night, we did chalking (write stuff on e ground using chalk) to promote food fest, but I think it may have been washed off cos of e rain this morning :( I haven't seen how the comp sci pple chalked theirs..apparently they used java code to promote food fest haha.
I've been playing tennis recently. There're quite a bunch of people here who play tennis. I'm playing intramural tennis..u form your own team and play against other teams. It's quite fun. I did think of joining e varsity team, but like they've training everyday, games almost every weekend, and sometimes, you've to travel to other places (states) for away games. Sounds tough huh. I'm also in ssa, acf (asian christian fellowship) and another organization that promotes international internships. I signed up for a lot of stuff during the Activities Fair, like lacrosse, table tennis, ultimate, skiing, racquetball, Key Club (comm service) and Asian Students' Association (which is well..mostly comprises of ABCs), but I signed up for fun and don't think I'll join them (as if I have e time..). I actually went down for lacrosse one day and tried playing it, but I suck at catching. Throwing not so much, but catching yes. And it's kind of embarrassing cos most of e rest have played before, and you're like one of the few who can't play. But I decided that I didn't have time for lacrosse cos I'd be playing tennis anyway (and I hate the PT for lacrosse too). I'll probably play other IM sports, like badminton and table tennis.
Anyway, I'm so tempted to download songs again, but I don't know whether I should. A lot of other people are doing it, but still, they're pretty strict here and if you get caught, you're quite in big trouble. And I haven't watched tv at all here! The most was watching a few points of US Open but that's it. That's quite unbelievable haha. Oh man..I'm so gonna miss all the shows la :( Maybe I should download them haha. And I want to watch soccer matches too if possible. But have to watch the download limit here. We're restrictions per day for wireless and wired network and if you exceed, you're gonna get kicked out of the network. One of my friends actually exceeded the limit for wireless and he didn't receive the warning emails, so he got kicked out of the wireless network for 45 days! That's quite long. Means that you can only use the wired network, accessing Internet only from your room using e Ethernet cable. So inconvenient.
Anyway, I better get back to doing work again now. I don't intend to sleep late tonight.