Anyway, Econs today was really bad. Klepper said we should be able to finish the paper in less than 3 hours, but with 1/2 hr left, I still had 4 questions left, which totalled about 62 out of the 200 marks. I think I must have been doing it at a snail's speed, but I felt so sian doing 100 true-false questions. In the end, I managed to figure out 1 of the 4 left, half of another one, randomly put true-false for the third one (well i put true for those that looked correct..) and put all true for the last one. Ugh. Totally no testing of Econs concepts at all.
Just took pictures of sunset from my room, but couldn't really get nice shots cos the tall Morewood building was blocking it. I love the view from my room. And I think that's one thing I'm gonna miss when I move out next year.
Back to studying. Ugh.