Outlook for the next 2 days: 2 midterms and 1 homework due tomorrow (studying barely started and homework 3/4 done), and 2 homework and presentation on Thursday (barely started my research for presentation. as for the homework, did half of one and haven't started for the other one). I've resorted to being last-minute again, as usual. When will I ever learn my lesson? Granted, I actually did some work over the weekend, but I could've and should've been more disciplined. Oh well, no use regretting over what's done and past. I'll just do my best and if I do get disappointed, then I'll have only myself to blame.
Can't wait for Thursday..this week seems to pass by so slowly! To everyone else, hang on! Spring break beckons! Meanwhile, I'll get back to doing work again. I know I can survive and I will survive! (err..hopefully).