Schedule for the fall sem is out, and my schedule isn't as nice as what it is now. 3 hour break and 8.30 class on MWF. Ugh. We'll see how I guess.
I'm recovering. At least I hope so. Sore throat is more or less gone, now just waiting for the flu to go away too. I promise I'll never ever repeat my late night marathons again. I don't think I'll be able to take it again.
And it's getting warmer! I think it's gonna be above 10 for the entire week! Yeah! Maybe spring *is* finally here :) Time to start playing tennis again. After I recover that is. I realize I miss playing badminton too. I mean I still like playing tennis best, but I used to play badminton before I start playing tennis. and somehow, badminton reminds me of home. Cos quite a few people here play tennis, but not that many play badminton. It's just an Asian sport and I miss watching all those badminton matches with my brothers. Especially when there're Indonesians playing. Indonesians are really crazy over badminton and the matches are quite crazy too. I miss watching men's doubles which are really really exciting, and also watching a certain Taufik Hidayat play haha.
Anyway, I think it's quite fun to drive your roommate crazy haha. I think I may have driven Jessica nuts with all my crazy comments last night. Pardon me..I'm feeling a bit sick :) Or am I always like that haha. And I've come to a conclusion. xh is the small bully, zh is the big bully, and mw is the BIGGEST bully haha.
Okay, shall *attempt* to do my programming homework now. And also to restore the ipod mini software. Sigh hopefully that'll fix the problem. Anyway, Chris gave me a quote last night, which I thought is quite nice (shall post it on my blog too haha).
"Don't say you don't have enough time.You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Mchaelangelo, Mother Teresea, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein." --H. Jackson Brown Jr.