Our furnitures came on wednesday. Moving the heavy furnitures was definitely very trying, but I'm glad the place is furnished, so now it looks like we're living more properly, if you know what I mean.. Now, just waiting for internet/phone/cable line to be installed, so there'll be no more 'koping' of other people's bandwidth using wireless haha. I actually like our place; it looks so cosy :) Haven't finished unpacking my stuff though. Feel lazy to do it haha.
Celebrated xinghao's birthday on the stroke of midnight. We wanted to just go into his room with the cake, but he locked his room door haha. Quite anticlimax actually. Happy birthday, mr pan! :) Can't believe you're 22 already haha.
Me and jess went to waterfront on friday. Did a bit of shopping and bought quite a lot of stuff. Think we spent around 5 hours in total! (including traveling time la, but still quite long..). Had a nice time talking with her and stuff. Think we should do this more often, just 2 of us alone. Maybe every friday eh? Haha.
Had another crazy friday night. Think it's become a part of our lives to do something fun/crazy/entertaining/interesting on friday nights. Only this time, it went all the way till saturday morning! It all started with us playing poker (texas hold'em..with chips only) at around midnight. Don't know how long we played for. Just know that I was the first one to be out haha. But I got to play again later on, cos there was 1 blue chip that was left over and that was enough to get me playing again. More people gave me chips to play again haha, but not long after, I was out again, along with xinghao and jiaqi. Seriously, there's nothing much you can do when you have so few chips! Mingwei once again won the game..the amount of chips he has at the end is just insane! Then, the people who got out early (me, xinghao, jiaqi and moss..all the hc people that were there haha) decided to entertain ourselves and play bridge. A very intellectual game, and I realized I was playing with 3 cs people, who were like thinking and thinking and keeping track of every card. Seriously, when I play, I just play, not really thinking that much haha. Then, after that, we decided to play mahjong. That was around 4am I think. I'm not great at mahjong, but think I've improved quite a bit. And we played and played till 7.30am in the morning! Could see the sun that the sun has risen and it was so bright outside. Haha. By the time I went back, it was around 8am. Slept at around 8.30am and woke up at around 2pm. The whole day yesterday, I was so tired and sleepy. Hehe. But it was fun. Still can't believe I stayed up overnight la, playing mahjong. Haha.
Grocery shopping on Saturday at strip district, this stretch of road that sells all the chinese foodstuffs. I'm still not really sure of what to buy and how much we need actually. But it's getting better..at least now we're eating more variety of food, I hope :)
Was looking through the photos taken over the spring semester last night. Thanks to jiaqi for uploading the photos. Realized that a lot of things happened during the sem.. so many things going on! (no wonder they say spring sem here is really crazy). Going through the pictures, and looking at all the smiles and laughters really brought back a lot of memories for me. They say a picture speaks a thousand words, and it's so true. Just looking at them really brought me back to what happened at that point in time, and all the memories just came rushing back. But you know, as good and nice as the pictures are, they only capture the best and nicest moments, and they don't tell the entire story of last sem. I'm sure that for every smile, there was also a tear; for every moment that I felt happy, there was also a moment of sadness as well; for each time that I felt happy to be here and spending time with the friends I have here, there were also times when I felt really homesick, when all I wanted to do was to just go home, and to escape, run away from everything that was going on here, the stress, schoolwork, etc etc. It's really such an emotional rollercoaster huh. Perhaps that's why you only see laughter and smiles in pictures? These good times are the memories that you would want to remember most, to see most frequently, and to tell people about. The negative side..obviously you'd still remember them, but you probably won't want to remember them that often, if it can be helped, and you only keep such stuff to yourself, not really wanting to share them with other people.
Went for church this morning, and I thought that the sermon was fantastic! There were some things the pastor said that struck me. He was asking us students if sometimes, we would just think about getting home as soon as possible from church, cos we are rushed for time. It's like you are forced to go to church, and not really going there to worship Him, hungry for His word. And I realize I have felt that way the past semester unfortunately, more often than not. I can't help feeling distracted in church and all I could think about was work work work. Think it got quite bad. I remember even when I was in Singapore, having so much work, I usually didn't get distracted in church. Is it really cos of the schoolwork (and bad time management) that I became so distracted? Or is it because I've drifted away from Him, grown distant from Him, that I no longer feel the meaning in worship and no longer feel hungry for His word?
The other thing that struck me was something he said about perfection. He commented about how perfection to us and God means different things. To us, perfection means performing your best, and everthing it's about outer appearance, or how the world perceives us. But God wants perfection in our heart. I know that I can be quite a perfectionist, but wanting to be perfect in what?
Just wrote quite a long entry. Need to really unpack my stuff now, and maybe start doing my homework, if not another late night tonight. Sigh..philo reading..descartes. It's driving me crazy. Gonna have a cookout later. It'll definitely be a lot of fun. But our limited cooking skills will be severely tested haha.