So how do I feel being back here? First word that comes to mind: Weird. I don't just feels strange being back here for some reason. Need time to get used to life here again. Quite different from Singapore you know.
I have a sucky Internet connection here.'s dial-up. Very slow, and expensive. My mum complains whenever she sees me online. Haha. What to do?
I realize that I don't like packing at all. As in, I'd always somehow find other things to do to put off packing. Packing for jakarta shouldn't take long, but it dragged to hours last night. I think it has something to do with my reluctance to leave a place. Oh well.
Looking forward to driving and eating delicious indonesian food. And I should sleep now. Early night after a few late nights. Time now reads 11.12pm (1 hour behind singapore) thats pretty early for me right? Haha.