Wednesday, October 11, 2006
I went for a comp finance internship panel just now. I learned quite a lot about an internship in Wall Street and it was really interesting to hear about their internship experiences. The main thing that they said was that Wall Street is all about networking and socializing. Somehow, that didn't really sit well with me, even though I already knew all that. Just emphasized the fact that it's a dog-eat-dog world out there, that everyone is looking out for himself. A Wall Street career is going to be tough and demanding, yet I feel at the same time, it can be rewarding. Which is why I really want to get an internship there if possible. Have the experience at least. I also learned that apparently, a background in 21370 and 21420 helps. Haha. I realize that during 21370 class, Hrusa has been pointing out certain parts that he feels may come out as interview question. Like today, he said it's possible that we're gonna get asked why it is not really advisable to exercise an american call option earlier than its expiration date. Stuff like that. It's also interesting how during interviews here (or maybe elsewhere in the world, just that I don't know), you are asked technical and math questions. And if you are applying for a finance position and have a finance background, then getting asked a finance question is even more likely. Like being asked to discuss a balance sheet. (Which tells me I should not neglect my accounting course haha).
Anyway, speaking of courses, I have already made up my mind. Now, it is just a matter of having confidence in myself and not thinking too much about it. Cos the more I think about it, the more I'll just doubt whether I have made the right decision.
I have been eating lots of junk food recently! Oh dear. Watch the weight gain. Seriously. For dinner tonight, I had 1 slice of pizza, 1 packet of Ruffles chips (heh..Ruffles will not be ruffled..), 1 scoop of the oh-so-delicious-and-addictive ice cream, 1 cup of hot chocolate and 1 small apple. Heh. I think I have not been eating proper dinners on some days. And eating a lot more frequently throughout the day, but eating less each time. Hmm..I don't know if that's good or not. But I think eating more ice-cream and anything to do with chocolate recently has something to do with me getting more stressed. Ah well. Time to learn to resist the temptation!!
posted by vivien at 10:53 PM