Ah well..maybe it's cos I'm just so drained after a long day today, which started at 8.30am and only ended at 7.30pm. Well..sort of. A midterm that went bad/okay (I dunno..), but just disappointed that the question I didn't manage to do is actually from the homework due this week, which I actually managed to do. And I did something stupid with the cheat sheet. Like forgetting that I actually had the cheat sheet with me and wasting time trying to recall formula! Ugh.
I think I must learn to sacrifice. There are just so many things to be done that I can't possibly do all of them. Of course, there is a difference between doing things that I need to do and doing things that I want to do.
I'm now left with 5 midterms, 1 paper and at least 3 homework before midsem break. Enough said..I don't want to think too much about it.
Sigh..I think I'm pretty stressed out right now. Thanks to all those who have talked and encouraged me..it has definitely made me feel better. But obviously, I won't feel much better unless I stop all this negative attitude. Ah well.