Anyway, I screwed up my phone interview today. My mind just went blank and I totally didn't know what to say at all! Maybe I was too nervous. I was asked questions about investment banking and specifically, what corporate finance is about because that's the program area I'm applying for, and I was like I know this, but NOTHING CAME TO MIND. Arghh!! And then I was asked what newspaper headline/financial news I have read recently. Again, I was like I'm sure I know a few headlines because I've been reading WSJ quite a bit, but I COULD NOT REMEMBER ANYTHING. Bummer! In the end I said something about UBS execs being involved in a scandal. Oops. I couldn't even answer the personal questions properly and I had the impression that the interviewer wasn't very impressed. Sigh. I hope it's not that bad.
I just found a site that has piano chords of many many many English songs. So yay! That brightened up my day considerably.
Off to eat another scoop of ice-cream. Darn darn darn. I've about an hour left before I go to school to meet my advisor, so I better get some work done.
By the way, the idea of doing an MBA straight after my undergrad just crossed my mind yesterday. I was looking at Tepper's 3-2 program and it looked tempting in the sense that I can save some time and I just finish all my education before I work, and not have to go back to school after I have worked. But, masters in CMU?? Hmm. What should I do?