I had a good time during Spring Carnival, going to all the booths and watching buggy and mobot haha, and the weather was excellent! Played tennis over the weekend (I so miss playing tennis) and was badly sunburned. But I'm not complaining :)
Our cell group also had a brother-sister cell group appreciation thing, and one of the guys cell groups would do something for a girls' cell group, and vice versa. So the guys cell group invited us to dinner at Korea Garden (it was actually a surprise - we were only told that the dress code was business casual) and they had actually booked the room upstairs, brought speakers so that there will be music during dinner (and that's how I got addicted to listening to N'Sync songs now) and decorated the room with pink streamers and the table with flower petals, candles and sweets! One word to describe it: romantic, and I was blown away haha. We played an ice-breaker game, which was rather funny - I will remember "chunky cheng", "chinese chay", "korean kevin" and "duckwing deborah(??)" haha. Food was rather slow and the people in the room next to us were drunk and butchering all the korean songs while attempting to ktv. But all in all, I had a good time. And 2 of the guys danced to N'Sync songs haha. To top it off, they gave us roses (mine have unfortunately withered) and body lotion from VS. Heh now, we have to do something for them too.
My course schedule is a mess now. I actually managed to register for all my courses and didn't get waitlisted in any, but I've just found out that Financial Engineering is going to clash with Finance and I have to take both next sem. Argh!! Basically, my schedule is not confirmed now, even though I have registered. I guess this is the price to pay for wanting to finish in 3 years..my course sequence is kindda messed up and as a result, I have a lot of conflicts. Ah well.
And yes, I can finally say that my summer plans are confirmed! Yayyyyy and thank you :)
It was a pleasant surprise actually when DB called me and offered me the internship. I had gotten an email earlier about the details of the internship, which surprised me because I hadn't received an offer yet, but the call came last night. And needless to say, I'm very very relieved about it and I'm actually quite excited too. So I'll be interning in Singapore (yay to that too..cos I've been rather homesick lately) and spending the first week in Hong Kong. There are lots of paperwork to sort out though, and I haven't actually signed the contract yet, even though I have accepted the offer.
But you know, I hope working in the investment banking industry won't compromise my character or values. After hearing the finer details of the offer, I guess it's easy to get carried away by money and material wealth. I suppose I just have to stay grounded and firm in my beliefs while working in an industry that's always striving for more.
And yes, it has definitely been a lesson of patience and humility all this while and I'm glad things work out in the end. It just goes to show that I should never lose hope in Him and that He always provides. Thank you Lord!