Argh!! Trying my hardest to concentrate studying for econs tomorrow, but the motivation to study just isn't there. I think it's probably more cos I'm burned out. Oh well. I've been trying to tell myself to "tahan" until Friday, before I can finally take a short break. The warm weather (28 degrees!) isn't helping either. I want to go out and play tennis in the sun (and erm..get a tan..) but why am I stuck indoors doing work?
I wonder how other TAs they feel irritated too when they want to do their own work but they can't because the students keep bugging them? I know it sounds pretty mean, but that's the situation I'm in now. Wanted to study econs, but was tied up with matrix stuff today (office hours and scanning answers, not to mention answering emails), and people have started bugging me more about grades too. Arghhh! I mean I like teaching, don't get me wrong, but when I'm busy, it gets frustrating I guess.
I'm having cold feet about internship before it has even started (and I'm not even back yet). I mean I have been getting emails from them about the internship and I have admin stuff to attend to, but somehow, the emails about the details of the internship keep reminding me that what I'm going to do ain't going to be easy, that there are going to be long hours and the potential of having to work on weekends. I still am excited about it, but I guess the feeling of uncertainty over how it will turn out is bothering me. Oh well.
Back to Econs readings, which I'm not really getting. I'm so lost reading about banking system. Oh well..and tomorrow, my head is going to be filled with Ito's formulas, Brownian motions, martingales, bonds, Girsanov's theorems, change of measures, etc etc etc (from studying 420). Just have to persevere.
Okay I should really get back to my readings.