-2 homeworks (one of them is a case report) due tomorrow (last time this happened, I ended up staying up till 7am!)
-meeting with my professor tomorrow to discuss my final presentation on thursday (which i have to prepare for)
-final presentation on thursday, which is worth 40% of my grade
-office hours on thursday (luckily, i have prepared the homework solutions)
-a midterm and a homework due on friday
-grading to be done by friday
-final exam on monday, which is worth 65% of my grade
-another 21370 homework due this friday, which means grading another set of homework
All I can say is..ahhhhh!!!!!
On top of that, my parents are coming this Thursday and they will be here until Monday morning. How am I going to spend time with them and yet finish all my work at the same time? Well, I tried doing one of the homeworks ahead, but I'm still left with a lot of catching up to do!
Oh well. I guess...just do it! And not think too much without getting things done. And I really should tell them soon that I'm going to sign.