I was talking to my mum about my future plans. Work for 2-3 years before getting an MBA and I was telling her that I need to save part of my pay to finance my MBA education when all of a sudden, she interrupted me and said, "Who knows in 2 years, you're going to get married!" My immediate reaction was, "Choy! Get married at such a young age!" Hahaha. But I guess like a friend said, we can never predict what's going to happen in future. Plans change and things you'd thought would never happen do happen.
Anyway, I realised that unlike most of my friends who've studied abroad, most of my friends overseas are Singaporeans and it does make me wonder whether I've wasted the opportunity of making friends with non-Singaporeans and meeting different people. I mean I have quite a few American friends, but most of them are on acquintance level and people that I can't share honest conversations with (perhaps due to different attitudes and mindsets?). In fact, my closest American friends would be my comp finance friends (and that's also cos there's no other Singaporean in comp fi) and probably my cell group. Ultimately though, it's really up to you to decide the group of friends you are comfortable hanging out with and race is just a superficial issue. What's most important is the friendships and bonds that you form. So even though most of my close friends in college are Singaporeans, I am very thankful with the friendships that I've made and the times spent together that have made my college life a blast. And after having lived and studied in different places, what I miss most out of each would be the people. Sure you miss the place, the life, the food, etc, but it is the people that define the experiences that you have in each place. The place may be boring, but the people can brighten up the life there and conversely, the place may be interesting, but if the people and company are not as great, the experience is likely to be less memorable and cherished.
On a lighter note, I went for a haircut today and let's just say..I'm still getting used to my new hairstyle and to the fact that my hair is SUPER short now. Sigh. At least it will grow over time. Two more days in Singapore before I go back to the States and I'm really not looking forward to going back at all (well, who does?). Time to start packing already.